Stay fresh beautiful people. Clean your eyelashes like you clean your teeth (regularly) or you'll only have yourself to blame. Think twice and keep those lashes polished with a good quality foaming eyelash cleanser to refresh your lovely eyes.

I know, I know... I can hear you say "like I've got time to clean my eyelashes". If I told you, you were putting your eyes in danger of an infection by not cleaning your lashes, would that make you think twice? I'm not saying all lash cleansers contain the ingredients to cleanse your lashes in a way that can see off any bacteria, HOWEVER, the one I use and the ones you can pick up at your lash appointment with me 'Lashes by Katie' DOES.
If I told you that cleaning your lashes with a good quality lash cleanser would help with the longevity of your extensions, meaning you would save money on lash appointments, would that make you think twice?
And thirdly, if I told you that using a decent lash cleanser when wearing extensions would help with the condition of your natural lashes, strengthening them and helping with healthy lash growth, would you think twice?
In order to create a good bond and long lasting semi-permanent eyelashes I need clean natural lashes to attach them to! Selfishly, I would love all my clients to turn up with cleansed lashes so that I can get to work on the job I love (which is not cleaning). I know you are busy but I want to show you how quick and simple it is to do, and it feels great! Just think.. cleansed lashes means less time cleaning and more time spent on lash application at your appointment, yey!
The way I cleanse my lashes... by Katie...
Step 1 - press the pump on the cleanser and use the pea sized amount to massage gently onto your (tightly closed) eyelid with your ring finger. The foam will do most of the work, cleaning in between your lashes. I usually massage for about 10 seconds.

Step 2 - wait for a few seconds ... (I normally count to 10 slowly), then cup your hands together and fill with water and then splash the water onto your closed eye, letting it wash over your eyelid and rinse until the foam has gone.
Step 3 - do the same on the other eye.
Step 4 - blot your closed eyes with a clean dry tissue
Step 5 - give your lashes a brush once dry (after a few mins)
step 6 - look at your lovely clean eye-lashed eyes that should be feeling refreshed.
I love my lashes.. I hope you love yours, too...

Apologies for the CLOSE UP :-) Thanks for reading!
xxx Katie