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What are Volume Lashes? Are they better than Classic Eyelash Extensions?

Writer's picture: Katie HeapKatie Heap

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Volume Lashes are great, just as Classic lashes are. With the Russian technique, the lash fans are applied to one lash using a more advanced technique. A fan of teeny tiny lashes are created from scratch by the Eyelash Technician , swiped in glue and adhered to one of your natural lashes. A lash fan per lash instead of 1 lash per lash. With the pre-made volume fans , the fan is ready-formed and there is less creative opportunity as you cannot adapt the fan shape but it is adhered in the same way as a classic lash. See below (this picture that isn't the clearest sorry, but you get the idea)

So, as the blurry picture shows, the Russian volume fans are like birds footprints and the Classic is just on its own. They are both great. They create an enhancement and lengthen and curl your lashes , open your eyes and draw all the attention there. Oh, and no need for mascara. My personal favourite are volume lashes but it's a personal preference, a bit like going for either a lengthening mascara or a volumising mascara, or both??

What’s the difference between Volume & Classic Eyelash Extensions?

Let’s start with extensions. Eyelash extensions are extensions of your natural lashes whether they be the Classic technique or the Russian technique. Any other lash types would be under another title or another category (I.e strip lashes or party Lashes/ flare lashes). I’m talking about semi-permanent eyelashes that last for 6-8 weeks and can be topped up because they are individual lashes and therefore replaced by another lash being applied in the space where you’ve lost natural lashes and grown new ones. (Deep inhale). In short , your lashes are magic! They need to keep replenishing themselves to stay healthy and obvs so they don't grow too long and completely block your vision 😂 so... what was I saying? Oh yes, so volume lashes are lashes of the same weight/diameter as the individual classic lash but a different shape. They are a fan of little , lighter lashes and 3-5 are used to make a kind of birds footprint shape .

ahh pretty bird footprints ♥️ you'll find these or the classic ones (dependent on which style of lash you go for) in your sink every now and then , after you wash your face/ brush your lashes. But if you don't brush your lashes regularly you might find them on your boyfriends cheek or in your cereal but hopefully not your little baby's hand. 😱

The classic eyelash technique is specified as the application of an individual synthetic lash onto an individual natural Eyelash. These create a natural enhancement making your lashes longer by extending them with a longer synthetic lash. Volume lashes lengthen and thicken and tend to last longer than individual lashes. As long as you're having 3-4D lash fans applied the gap when you loode one or two won't be too bad. With big (mega volume) fans, the gap is more noticeable when you loose one.

Volume lashes are lighter, fluffier and give your lashes a fuller look. Volume lashes are perfect for clients who don't have a lot of lashes, have sparse lashes, maybe even bald spots or who simply just want a more dramatic look without having to use a thicker lash.

Hybrid lashes (sorry if this is getting even more confusing) are a mix of classics and volumes and are perfect for everyday wear without too much drama. These are all hybrids that I created earlier... lashes look different on everyone because all lashes & eye shapes are different. Some of us have 100 lashes, some of us about 300 in each eye.

Ok just to recap... The technique of the Russian volume lash entails the technician creating a fan of 3,4 or 5 lightweight lashes (lighter than your classics but weighing an equal amount once a fan is created).

Mega volume lashes (just to throw another one in the mix) might entail the technician making a fan of say 9 or even 12 lashes but that’s an even more advanced technique and these lashes would individually weigh a fraction of the weight of a Classic fan in order to keep the same/ total weight of a classic lash.

Clear as mud?

Basically, the fan lashes are the volume ones. If they are created on the go (say, from scratch) and homemade (adaptable, malleable, formed to fit and tailored to suit each lash individually) they are classed as Russian volume technique but they are still called 'volume' and ready-made (pre-made) fans they are just called volumes. So if you're still awake, hopefully this all makes sense. Here are some lash sets I did earlier...

Classic individual

Russian volume 4-D fans

Hybrid (classic/volume)


Katie x


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